Social Security Disability & Supplemental Security Income

Social Security Disability Lawyer
Zerbe & Pence, PLLC in Charleston, WV
Need Representation for Social Security Disability? Call Zerbe & Pence, PLLC
As an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer, Zerbe & Pence, PLLC in Charleston, WV is here to help. One of the reasons Social Security is in place is to provide financial coverage for those unable to work due to disabilities. Unfortunately, sometimes obtaining that money is harder than it should be.
Zerbe & Pence, PLLC offers helpful Social Security Disability representation. Our experienced legal team fights hard to represent our clients and get them the financial compensation they deserve. For over 15 years we have found the facts and fought for the rights of every client who has walked through our doors. To secure professional Social Security Disability representation, talk to Zerbe & Pence, PLLC today.
Call us at (304) 345-2728 or contact us online today to schedule a Social Security Disability consultation in Charleston.
Learn About Our Social Security Services in Charleston, WV
A question many potential clients ask us involves the types of Social Security expertise we provide. Not only can we help our clients understand Social Security Disability (SSD) but also Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Our lawyer assists clients in all aspects of Social Security cases, including Social Security Disability appeals in court. When our clients have their claims denied, we dig into the facts of the case and get them the compensation they deserve. Give us a call to find out how our SSD lawyer can help you. We can assist clients with:
Social Security Process: Time is of the Essence
Many clients learn quickly that time is of the essence throughout the Social Security process. Many claimants must wait long stretches of time to hear about their claim, only to have their initial claim denied. It becomes almost routine to expect to receive a denial the first time you apply.
Social Security Disability is a necessary benefit for people who live with existing and new health diagnoses impacting their lives. For those with the most disabling issues, managing daily activities becomes a full-time job. Working with a skilled Social Security Disability lawyer puts the focus on filing paperwork timely, without adding to the client’s already significant burdens.
Visit Us in Charleston, WV, to Answer Your Social Security Questions
The fastest way to get information on Social Security is to set up a consultation at our law office in Charleston. Our experienced lawyer, David Pence, represents Social Security clients and has a proven track record of getting results. Whether West Virginians come to us with questions about Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income, we can find the facts.
Clients come to us from surrounding areas like Huntington, Beckley, and Oak Hill to take care of their Social Security situations. Find out how to take the first step toward obtaining the money you deserve. Call Zerbe & Pence, PLLC in Charleston, WV today to speak with our Social Security Disability lawyer.