Work Zone Violations
Work Zone Traffic Violations Lawyer
Zerbe & Pence, PLLC in Charleston, WV Represents Work Zone Matters
To speak with a work zone traffic violations lawyer, contact Zerbe & Pence, PLLC in Charleston, WV. Drivers run the risk of injuring themselves, workmen, or other drivers while traveling through these designated areas. Speeding or violating the road rules in a work zone can leave drivers with large fines and a misdemeanor.
Did you receive a work zone violation or related traffic violation in the Charleston, WV area? Call Zerbe & Pence, PLLC, at (304) 345-2728 today for a free consultation. We will work with you to provide a strong defense, and fight to clear your name or seek the fairest result.
Understand the Penalties of a Work Zone Violation
Speeding or driving recklessly through a work zone increases the risk of injury to both workers and drivers. When approaching a work zone, it is best to slow down and take notice of any changes. These can include reduced speed limits, roadway markings such as lane shifting, and adhering to newly placed signs or flaggers. For example, it is a general work zone rule to turn headlights on to make your vehicle more visible. According to chapter 17c of the West Virginia Code, work zone violations can include up to $200 in fines. Penalties also include up to 20 days in jail if the speed exceeds 15 miles above the posted speed limit.
Contact Zerbe & Pence, PLLC After a Violation in Charleston, WV
Those accused of work zone violations in Charleston, WV, can trust Zerbe & Pence, PLLC, for a strong criminal defense. Disputing any traffic violation may seem like an easy process. However, it is best to consult an experienced defense lawyer to protect your rights and find the fairest result.
Work zone violations that lead to injury can add other driving-related charges. A reckless driving conviction can result in a stained record and possible jail time. Drivers in the surrounding areas of Kanawha County can contact Zerbe & Pence, PLLC for a work zone violations lawyer.
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